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LloydsIso logo 160x160px

ISO 9001

SO 9001 is the globally recognised standard in the field of quality management.


TUV ISO 14001 logo 160x160px

ISO 14001

ISO 14001 is a certification demonstrating that a company effectively manages its environmental impact, often required for contracts and influenced by government policies that promote sustainability.



Nedal ISO 45001

ISO 45001

As an ISO 45001-certified company, we strive to prevent and reduce accidents, injuries and illnesses in the workplace, and avoid them wherever possible.




CE logo 160x160px

Kiwa Constancy of performance

Our lighting and traffic columns are CE marked, which is a mandatory and standard European designation for construction products placed on the European market.

Certificate lighting columns   Certificate traffic columns


Overview botscode:


climate neutral certified

Climate-Neutral Certification

Our Lighting Columns are climate-neutral certified. This certificate stands for transparency about and reduction of CO2 emissions. The aim of the certification is to achieve (almost) zero emissions by 2050.

Read more about this certification onwww.climateneutralcertification.com 



abs logo

ABS certiifcate for marine extrusion applications

ABS develops safety rules, manuals, standards and other criteria for the design, construction and research of maritime production processes and structures.


Netbeheer logo 160x160px

Netbeheer Nederland

Netbeheer Nederland is de vereniging van alle elektriciteits- en gasnetbeheerders van Nederland. Samen een bijdrage leveren aan de transitie naar een duurzame energievoorziening.

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Repsonsible Minerals Initiative

RMI stands for responsible mineral extraction and calls on us to continuously shape dialogue and practices.

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